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【Outlet】Drop crotch loose fit pants

  • Fits size Smart Doll girl.
  • Product for sale is Drop crotch loose fit pants only.
  • 適合サイズはSmart Dollガールです。
  • 販売商品はDrop crotch loose fit pantsのみです。


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SKU: cu0007bp_outlet Category:


This is a outlet of Drop crotch loose fit pants for color consideration.
Drop crotch loose fit pantsのカラー検討用サンプルです。

It was a darker blue than we imagined, so we did not make it into a commercial product.

The difference from the production version is that the locking threads in the inseam are white instead of the same color as the fabric. Therefore, the white locking threads are visible at the rolled-up hem.

The quality is the same as the production version.

If you like this color, please try them!
