June Chi | 6月のちーさん
Calendar created by @jurgen_staub -san.
カレンダーは jurgen_staub さん作。
【Outings with Dolls|ドールとお出かけ】Flower garden with Smartdoll Ruby/ルビーちゃんと花畑
A walk in the flower garden with Ruby.
Continue reading “【Outings with Dolls|ドールとお出かけ】Flower garden with Smartdoll Ruby/ルビーちゃんと花畑”
【Outings with Dolls|ドールとお出かけ】Rose garden with Smartdoll Ruby/ルビーちゃんとバラ園散歩
Walking in the rose garden with Ruby.
Continue reading “【Outings with Dolls|ドールとお出かけ】Rose garden with Smartdoll Ruby/ルビーちゃんとバラ園散歩”
【Doll Photo】Smartdoll Chitose Multiverse
ELF Chi.