A temple we passed by on our Fukushima road trip with Mirai.
Continue reading “【Outings with Dolls|ドールとお出かけ】Kintouzan Eryuji Temple|福島県金塔山 恵隆寺”
【Trip Photo】Lake Tagokura, Fukushima Prefecture|福島県田子倉湖
【Palate Poetry|もぐもぐ写真】Dried sardine soup ramen|煮干し出汁ラーメン
I like it simple.
Restaurant Map:Meat Marucho Honten, Fukushima Prefecture
お店:福島県 肉の丸長本店
【Outings with Dolls|ドールとお出かけ】Natural carbonated water spring|天然炭酸水
Mirai and I went to a natural carbonated water spring in Fukushima Prefecture.
We filled a bottle we brought with us and drank it. The carbonation feeling was very slight, with just a slightly sour taste. If you expect the carbonation feeling of Perrier or Gerolsteiner, you may be disappointed, but if you prefer a slightly carbonated feeling, you may like it. Or you might enjoy it as a side trip on a road trip.
Location Map:Kanayama Town, Fukushima Prefecture
【Walk Photo】Cute Scarecrow|かかし?
It’s so peaceful here.