Tools to be prepared | 準備する道具

  • Included repair parts | 付属のリペア部品
  • Clothes iron | アイロン
  • Clothes iron mat | アイロンマット
  • Pressing cloth | あて布
  • Scissors or wire cutter that cut well | よく切れるハサミかニッパー

Step.1 Thread the cord through the hole. | 紐を穴に通します

Thread the cord through the hole in the slider fitting.

2.Thread the shrink tubing onto the cord. | 収縮チューブをコードに通します

Fold the cord in two and pass the shrink tubing through it.

3.Set on an clothes iron mat | アイロンマットの上にセットします

Set the cord so that it does not twist in the shrink tube.

4.Pressing cloth | あて布

Place a cloth over the shrinkage tube and cord.

5.Ironing | アイロンをあてます

Apply heat using the tip of the clothes iron. The temperature of the clothes iron should be between low and medium, and the time should be about 10 seconds.

6.Turn over the cord. | 紐をひっくり返します

Remove the pressing cloth and turn the cord over when the tube is cool.

7.Pressing cloth | あて布

Place a piece of cloth over the turned over cord.

8.Ironing | アイロンをあてます

Apply heat to the upturned cord and tube using the tip of an clothes iron. The temperature of the clothes iron should be between low and medium, and the time should be about 10 seconds.

9.Check the tube | チューブの確認

Make sure the contraction tube has shrunk firmly.

10.Cut off the excess. | 余分をカットします

Cut excess cord protruding from the shrink tube.

11.Repair completed | リペア完了

Repair is complete!

Customized version | カスタマイズ編

From here, we will tell you how to customize the cord to your liking instead of repairing it, just for reference.

Wouldn’t it be nice to customize it to the color of your choice!

Cord size | 紐のサイズ

The cord is approximately 8 cm long (preferred length) and the available cord thickness is 1 to 1.2 mm.

By the way, the same cord is called ATWOOD ROPE and is available on Amazon.
ちなみに同じ紐はATWOOD ROPEという紐でAmazonで入手できます。


Processing of cut edges | 切り口の処理

If using cord that can be unraveled at the cut end, stop the cut end from unraveling. In the case of paracord, the cut end is seared by fire to prevent fraying. Be careful not to burn yourself!

Thread the cord through the hole. | 紐を穴に通します

Thread the cord through the hole in the slider fitting.

Tie the cord and you are done! | 紐を結んで完成です!

Thank you for your hard work! 🙂
お疲れさまでした! 🙂